Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Irony of Bush

Do you know the real definition of irony? Don't worry, most people don't. I have only heard it used correctly two or three times in my lifetime. Most people use it as a synonym for coincidence (which really bothers me for some reason). Irony is incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs; or the opposite of an expected outcome. For example: not flying because you don't want to die in a plane crash, then a plane crashes into your house and kills you.

I always knew how much liberals hated Bush. Even now that he is out of office (though it has only been a couple weeks), they go into fits when discussing him. But why?

What are the reasons that people give for hating him? He lied about WMD's in Iraq? He is spending billions on the war? He is killing the economy? He gives his rich friends tax breaks? What else could there be?

Well, lets check this out. No one can prove he lied about WMD's. Just like no one can prove Hilary lied about her shady law firm. No one can prove Ted lied about driving that woman into the river. The libs love people that lie. But maybe it was because Bush didn't lie. How many UN resolutions did Hussein disregard? So the UN basically said we want to see your weapons. Much like a police department telling a known drug dealer they want to see his drug operation. After so many times of them telling him they are coming, do you think they will find any drugs in his house when they get there?

So what about the Billions on the war? Do libs not like spending money to keep people safe? Well, we could not have spent the money without their approval. Maybe they don't like spending tax dollars to kill. Oh wait, they want to spend our tax dollars to kill, but only to fund the slaughter of innocent children?

Oh, the economy, what did he ever do to the economy? When the government gets involved in the economy, it screws it up. Taxing companies 'til they hurt, makes them move over seas. Putting to so many restrictions on companies drives up prices. Requiring banks to make loans to people that can't afford them makes for a really bad housing market. He did give out money that belonged to us in the first place though. Wait, all those are liberal philosophies.

What was Bush thinking not taxing the rich? The rich should not get away without paying excessive taxes, Should they? Oh that's right libs only like people who just don't pay their taxes at all. That could be why "The Exalted One" chose so many tax cheats for his cabinet.

It seems quite apparent to me that the reasons people give for not liking or even hating Bush are that he acts like or failed to stand up against the philosophies of liberals themselves. Now there is real irony.

Look out Obama, your worshipers may be growing brains.

Drink What Kool-aid?

The other day, I was accused, by a liberal of being a Kool-aid drinker. It wasn't actually directed at me, it was directed at all Rush Limbaugh listeners that agree with him.

Those of you that listen to conservative talk radio realize that they have been calling liberals that for years. This because they seem to follow the mainstream media as though they are infallible and believe whatever they say is inspired by GOD himself. I thought it was very funny. It reminded me of the time my wife and I went to her parents house for dinner after she got her hair cut very short for the first time and my young nephew came out of the bathroom totally naked and pointed and said very animatedly, You look ridiculous. We all had to laugh.

So now that "The Exalted One" has been sent down from about to be worshiped and followed by all, the left think we are stupid not to follow "Him". If we keep following Rush Limbaugh (they actually mean our conservative values) then we can't contribute to change. Wow! Really!?

Okay this is perfect opportunity for a rant. First off: You are absolutely right, anyone that is truly American and believes in the American dream and LIBERTY itself, does not want to contribute to this change. Second: If people would take the time and put forth the effort to learn for themselves, instead of just bowing down to "The Exalted One" and the liberal media and believing their every deceitful word, they would recognize that Marx, Hitler, Stalin, Castro, Kim Jong Il and so on...all wanted most of the same changes. Third: Come up with something original. You can't use our line.

Next time you can pull your infantile selves away from the teat of the liberal media, please do some research and analyze your beloved "Exalted One's" ideals before you poke your head over the wall of your little compound and point at the rest of us and tell us not to drink the Kool-aid.